Augmented Reality Interactive print

// Journeys in AR

Project: virtual historic dublin city

AR Explorer & History Hunters

With the Office of Public Works (IRE), Enterprise Ireland, UCL’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), discover studios and content partners in Ireland.

Volumetric film and augmented reality characters

Start: In 2018, Ireland’s Office of Public Works (OPW) in collaboration with Enterprise Ireland, launched a Small Business Innovation Research challenge to create a virtual history of Dublin City. This Great Adventure has been successful in winning two rounds of funding in this open international competition.

Interactive 3D models of buildings with content hotspots

Journey:  The medieval tower in Dublin Castle was chosen as the test bed location. Using a central theme of People-Places-Things, we’re working with digital and game developers, historians and business planners. The goal is to create a digital experience platform to work across the 100+ heritage sites managed by OPW.

Augmented reality windows into the past


Proving the visitor experience and business case for digital storymaking, AR and VR in heritage.

  • Storytelling for heritage visitors using AR, VR, games, roleplay and more.

  • Digital experience development with an innovative business model.

Augmented reality frame installations

Augmented reality frame installations


If you’re thinking about AR and VR - we’d love to hear from you.


MA Collaborate 2021


Aerospace Lives