Lichfield City Centre AR Trail
Image © West Midlands Police
We’re delighted to be working with the team from Lichfield District Council, and a wonderful selection of local partners, to develop the new Lichfield City Centre AR Trail experience.
The City’s history stretches back to the founding of the Cathedral, named for its patron St Chad, a Celtic saint who we’ve heard lovingly described as “hard as nails”, and it counts such heavyweights as Erasmus Darwin, Anna Seward, Elias Ashmole, Francis Barber and David Garrick among its famous sons and daughters.
Image © Philip Halling
Lichfield is a City with many faces and stories to tell. This new AR Trail experience represents the first step towards exploring new ways to telling those stories for a new generation of residents and visitors.
We’re on a tight timeline, designing, producing and delivering this new experience by the 31st March, but who doesn’t love a challenge?!
To make this possible, we’re working with local experts, knowledge holders and actors to research, script and develop the set of original performances that can bring the history of this City and its people to life.
Image © Lichfield Festival
We’ll be capturing these performances using Volumetric Video, placing them back into the streets (in the places where they can have most meaning and impact) using Augmented Reality, and inviting audiences to ‘collect them all’ through a light touch gamification approach.
With so many stories to tell and a rich cast of (named and unnamed) characters to choose from, the real challenge has been selecting the stories that will feature in this first AR trail experience in Lichfield. Who would you choose?
Visual © this great adventure
Most of all, we’re excited to build on the learning and experiences we’ve had over the past two years; working // experimenting with novel interactive storytelling and 3D media techniques and technologies, and transforming how and where we can encounter the stories that make us who we are.
This project is made possible through the HM Government Welcome Back Fund.
You can find out more about what goes on in Lichfield here.
To find out more about the project or If you’re thinking about what AR could do for your historic town, city, site or museum then why not give us a call.